Words of Empowerment.

image via cosmopolitan

Cosmo, yes that Cosmo has pulled together an incredible list of empowering quotes from several plus-sized models.

“Growing up, I never accepted my curves, but when I got the opportunity to become a plus size model, I was able to appreciate my voluptuous body and love myself, not only on the outside, but on the inside.”-Hayley Hasselhoff


To read even more quotes, click here.

Cut Curves with Rago

Finding clothes that fit well as a cross dressing man can be challenging. That’s why WikiHow has a guide to finding your perfect style and silhouette. Invest in a tight waist cincher for a cute and comfortable way to accentuate your waistline for a snug fit that brings out curves. They recommend classic Rago #21!


 RAGO Style 21 – Girdle with Garters Firm Shaping

“Waist cincher. Unless your are trim and even then… it makes a curve. Rago model 21 is the best. Buy one or two waist sizes smaller than marked.”

More advice on WikiHow: How to Find Clothing As a Cross Dressing Man

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